Before and After

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's Hot!!! And Sasha has a new friend

It was 87 degrees at 7:30 this morning. I really need to get going earlier, but it didn't happen today. We opted for the coolest path I could think of which runs along the river and through a park.
This park has these kinda creepy statues that always make me think of Shelley
This picture is for you Shelley :)
I had to take quite a few pictures to get a good one, all while laughing my silly head off. It doesn't take much to amuse me obviously!


  1. OMG you have your very own scary statue park!! I love it, and that picture is freaking awesome! What a handsome dog you have there! :)

  2. That photo of you with the dog is amazing. Nice photo and memory to keep.


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